today our task was to go to the showroom and make an analysis of the collections for the buying office of one of the major networks laksheri China and Hong Kong.
and there we met with maria cristina petrone - and ssistentom Department of Fashion Japanese concave , part-time - designer brands verdel
maybe I have a good memory for faces
she told us that he always suffered with the search for normal Hats for the winter so that it does not spoil the beauty of the head, and finally decided to tie itself currently a cap of the turban.
as always, first noticed these turbans Bloggers - Tamu from all the pretty birds and Susie bubble , and now they are often flashed on the images Tommy tone for
I I can say: first, presence of the designer in the showroom increases the possibility of ordering at least 2 times,
and secondly, I would have bought some bright turban, if I lived in Moscow - They are very warm)
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