Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Free Long Travel Sand Car Plans

Query ... Cat Vs Lamer

the guy in question before coming to my query did the Fool in channel ... Putting fear (as was supposed to do) to some people in the chan .. I obviously have the game right;))

] .20.50.25. [ by
] .20.50.29. [ now give you my
] .20.50.51.: [ and after that we do
] .20.50.56. [ nn so even print a file
] .20.51.16. [ aahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahhahaa
] .20.51.35. [] .20.51.36. [Here he
] .20.51.38. [ fun
] .20.51.40. [ eh then?
] .20.51.45.: [I'm sorry
] .20.51.46. [ for you
] .20.51.51. [ ahahahahahahahahaaa
] .20.51.53. [But I am unable to use a PC
] .20.52.02.: [nn are a great hacker like you: °
] .20.52.45. [ but you really are a hacker?
] .20.52.49. [ beauty
] .20.52.50. [ ; country: DE Germany
] .20.52.55. [ from germany??
] .20.52.57. [ ahahahhahahahhaa
] .20.53.04. [Certain
] .20.53.08. [ I can not stay in germany
] .20.53.09. [ ahahhahahahaa
] .20.53.11. [?
] .20.53.16. [ cmq Answer me
] .20.53.18. [ but you really are a hacker?
] .20.53.36. [ nn so
] .20.53.38. [ perhaps
] .20.53.39. [ perk
] .20.53.59. [By the
] .20.54.00. [ up on
] .20.54.03. [ show me
] .20.54.06. [ your potential
] .20.54.09.: [ by windozze
] .20.54.13. [ up to * _ *
] .20.54.19. [ ahhahahhahahaha
] .20.54.24.: [nn
I do these things]. 20:54:25. [ beauty
] .20.54.33. [ uFFFF
] .20.54.36. [ but where are you
] .20.54.38. [ aversa
] .20.54.42. [ ahahaha
] .20.54.44. [it is
] .20.54.47. [ right there
] .20.54.51. [ looks
] : .20.55.00. [that BALLS
] .20.55.03. [ me something
] .20.55.06. [ destroy me pc
] .20.55.07. [ on
] .20.55.08. [: ° °
] .20.56.50. [ beauty
] .20.56.51. [ careful
] .20.56.54. [ careful
] .20.57.02. [ to what??
] .20.57.09.: [Nn cause
] .20.57.13. [ ke you are injured??
] .20.57.23. [I nn provoked
] .20.57.35. [* AdOnAy_6-10
laughs heartily] .20.57.43. [Then just
] .20.57. 51. [ EVVA
] .20.57.55. [ you pissed
] .20.57.55. [: D
] .20.57.59. [ cheers
] .20.58 .02. [by by
] .20.58.12. [but ke kazza want
] .20.58.15. [ Child
] .20.58.19. [ uhm yes yes
] .20.58.21. : [ahaha
] .20.58.31.: [how old are you
] .20.58.37. [ want to learn qualkosa
] .20.58.40. [
give me your ip]: .20.58.42. [ talk so much and I think nn even know that a PC cosìè
] .20.58.48. [ hahaha
] .20.58.50. [ say??
] .20.58.56. [ How old are you?
] .20.59.10. [
22] .20.59.20. [ two years older than me
] .20.59.26.: [ ah
] .20.59.26. [ and still do this shit in your eyes?
] .20.59.31. [ shit
] .20.59.34.: [Nn I do shit
] .20.59.41. [ you still juggles lamerotto to do?
] .20.59.52. [ you make the fool thinking of putting someone in fear
] .21.00.09. [ these things you could do on the tin 4 5 years ago ...
] .21.00.13. [But now then blue
] .21.00.22. [ own words ... without
] .21.00.27. [That spans Lamah still shit
] .21.00.28. [ ahahahhahaahhaahahhahahaa
] .21.00.32. [ then
] .21.00.34. [ beauty
] .21.00.38.: [sn there are two differences
] .21.00.41. [ between hackers and lamers
] .21.00.46 . [anke and crackers if we
] .21.00.47. [then
] .21.00.49. [ learns to
] .21.00.52. [ comfortable to know that perfection
] .21.01.09. [ ah
] .21.01.12. [ but one that behaves like you is just a useless Lamah
] .21.01.12. [: D
] .21.01.17. [ ke you see culture
] .21.01.18. [ ahahhaha
] .21.01.19. [ well
] .21.01.23.: [ then see
] .21.01.24. [Tell me
] .21.01.29. [ use linux?
] .21.01.30.: [What you
] .21.01.32. [I
] .21.01.38. [ I have xp and linux
] .21.01.40.: [ or even windozze
] .21.01.40. [but
linux] .21.01.42. [ XP
] .21.01.44. [ ?!?!?
] .21.01.48. [ use it on portable
] .21.01.50. [ to program
] .21.01.54. [ you dick in the chat and use XP
] .21.02.00. [ na na na
] .21.02.02. [ on your home is beautiful
] .21.02.07. [But on the laptop
] .21.02.09. [ operating system more scrauso think there
nn] .21.02.10.: [I have a bomb
]. 21:02:14. [ ahahahhaahahahhahahaha
] .21.02.16. [ really??
] .21.02.26. [ use Mandrake?
] .21.02.41. [But by
] .21.02.42. [ uses XP
] .21.02.48. [ slut whore regulated
] .21.02.53.: [ then
] .21.02.53.: [nn do dick
] .21.02.56. [ forget
] .21.02.56. [ beauty
] .21.02.58. [ you ke kosa
] .21.03.00. [ do on linux
] .21.03.02. [ feel?
] .21.03.05. [ know
program] .21.03.08.: [Linux I used to work ...
] .21.03.33. [ for what
] .21.03.41.: [Sysadmin
] .21.04.13. [ and programs?
] .21.05.21. [ discorzo of the "plan" is broad
] .21.05.31. [ is programmable on a sheet with a pencil ..
] .21.05.56. [ cmq still expect your presence in my pc
] .21.05.57. [ ahahaha
] .21.06.02. [ aahhahahhahhhhahahahahhahhahahahha
] .21.06.06. [ feel beauty
] .21.06.12. [ I used the trojan when I was 10 years
] .21.06.23. [ NetBus I reprogrammed 20 times
] .21.06.23. [ then you are strong
] .21.06.24. [it is
] .21.06.26. [: D
] .21.06.35. [ six powerful
] .21.06.37. [ kills
] .21.06.56. [ by up .... back where you came from, and n as spam Lamah ... ah excuse the SEI
] .21.06.57. [: D
] .21.07.21. [then
] .21.07.26. [ here
] .21.07.31.: [ do so
] .21.07.36.: [ Here is the ip Youme
] .21.08.19. [ tell me ..
] .21.08.20. [] .21.08.21. [ ahahhahaha

(I know it's a long thing ... at this point tells me my IP was but nn but the truth was ... Continue ....

] .21.08.26. [ see see ..
] .21.08.37. [ ahahhhahahaa
] .21.08.39. [ shit
] .21.08.45. [This is your] .21.08.47. [: D
] .21.08.53. [ see if my match
] .21.09.20. [ I gave you the
] .21.09.21.: [ thanks
] .21.09.30. [ uhm aspe aspe
] .21.09.35. [ nn remember that the command
] .21.09.36. [ know see where he
] .21.09.37. [ through mirc
] .21.09.38. [ mado
] .21.09.40. [ -.-
] .21.09.50. [ LocalInfo
] : .21.09.52. [ recalled here
] .21.09.54. [ then see
] .21.09.56. [ ahahahhahahahahahhahhaa
] .21.10.08. [ is a little WRONG
] .21.10.12. [ but just a tad
] .21.10.14. [is
] .21.10.15.: [ Ehehe
] .21.10.17. [ ahahahhahahaahaha
] .21.10.18. [ fool
] .21.10.21. [ ahahhahahahhahhahaa
] .21.10.24. [You ke is to say
] .21.10.43. [ok,
] .21.10.48. [ then attacks that IP
] .21.10.50. [see
] .21.10. 52.: [What do I do
] .21.10.53. [ ehehe
] .21.11.02. [ if you're so convinced that what is my ip
] .21.11.03 . [ FAI PURE
] .21.11.11. [ ahhahahhaahhaahaa
] .21.11.21. [ but you just laugh
] .21.11.34.: [ by what I see ... you are a licensed cojone
] .21.11.35. [ laugh for your ignorance
] .21.11.37. [ you
] .21.11.40. [ say you found my ip
] .21.11.40. [ go go ahead
] .21.11.43. [ ahahahhaa
] .21.11.43. [and it is wrong
] .21.11.46.: [ just laugh and think
] .21.11.51. [ you
] .21.11.54. [ by
] .21.11.55. [ force
] .21.11.56. [ porcodio
] .21.11.59. [ hurt me
] .21.12.00. [ lashing
] .21.12.01. [ You
] .21.12.02. [ by
] .21.12.03. [ show me how you have HACKER
] .21.12.07. [ I gave you the ip to post
] : .21.12.09.: [nn but I think its
] .21.12.11.: [sn hacker just
] .21.12.14.: [lamer
nn] .21.12.17.: [ the Lamah I leave it to you
] .21.12.21. [ say you know the difference
] .21.12.25. [ ke Mongolian
] .21.12.27. [ cafonazzo
] .21.12.29. [ that goes to scare people via chat
] .21.12.37. [ insults so useless
] .21.13.07. [ feel
] .21.13.10. [ lashing from
] .21.13.13.: [I'm waiting
] .21.13.51.: [Nn but I think its
] .21.13.53.: [ the Lamer
] .21.13.54. [are you
] .21.13.55. [I
nn] .21.13.57. [ Remember
] .21.13.58. [;)
] .21.14.20. [ ahahha
] .21.14.23. [ ah excuse
] .21.14.27. [ you're a jerk
] .21.15 .30. [ ahahaha
] .21.15.35. [ the thing that will amuse me
] .21.15.36. [more
] .21.15.41. [ will publish This
LOG] .21.15.43. [ ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.43. [ ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.46. [which log
] .21.15.47. [ by
] .21.16.05.: [oh well
] .21.16.07. [ little boy
] .21.16.07. [ this cojone -.-
] .21.16.11.: [ ke say you have 20 years
] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to gobble

(the rest are all offended at my mother in the series "] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to gobble] .21.16.25. [ then I expect your mother] .21.16.27.: [cia hello "... and so on .... that just touched me sincerely ...

MurderFra is * Francesco
MurderFra on # + # # PunkChat punk4free @ # # # monkey's_factory HackerWin max # + # # echo-hacker hack4life
MurderFra using Nexlab IRC Server, Milan (Italy) has
MurderFra Identified for this nick
MurderFra End of / WHOIS list.

Greetings to all ... ;)


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