Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Who Has Biggest Breasts In Bollyood?

andromeda746 @ 2004-04-27T21: 22:00

INFAMI!!!!! Non avete fatto il mio test :°°°°

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Diffusion And Osimosis Lab Report


1. Il mio nome?
2. Dove ci siamo incontrati?
3. Quali sono i miei secondi nomi?
4. As far as I know?
5. How well do you know me?
6. I am a smoker?
7. I believe in God?
8. When you saw me for the first time, you think of me?
9. My age?
10. Birthday?
11. Hair color?
12. Eye color?
13. Distinguishing features?
14. What is one of the things I love to do?
15. Do you remember one of the first things I said?
16. What is my favorite kind of music?
17. What is my best physical feature?
18. They are shy or outgoing?
19. Would you say that I am a funny guy?
20. They are stubborn or follow the rules?
21. Consider me a friend?
22. How would you describe me: fig, stocky, average, sporty, punk, hippie, sexy, ass, snobbista or something else?
23. I've never seen you cry?
24. If there was only a nickname for me, what would it be?
25. What is my favorite pastime?
26. I am a virgin?
27. How high?
28. If I had to pick one thing you would change about me, what would it be?
29. How often do you see me?
30. I have never played sport? If so, what?
31. I've never been drunk?
32. I never used drugs?
33. Take a trip with you?
34. I'm in love, or have ever been?
35. What is my favorite vacation spot?
36. I have musical talent?
37. Are a leader or a follower?
38. Have I ever affected your life in some way?
39. I know you well?
40. They are dominating or submissive?
41. I drive a motorbike?
42. What animals do I have?
43. What's my favorite team?
44. The best part of my personality is?
45. So much of you other friends?
46. Where was I born?
47. I have piercings?
48. What is my fatal flaw?
49. Favorite color?
50. Favorite food?
51. Movie and favorite song?
52. What is my greatest fear?
53. Have you been honest in this questionnaire?
54. I hated you when I wrote the questionnaire?
55. Other messages for me?
56. Did you ever having an affair with me?
57. Do you love me?

Exception C0000005 At Address

andromeda746 @ 2004-04-19T01: 16:00

"Video games do not affect children. I mean if Pac-Man had affected our generation, we were all jumping in dark rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music!"
(Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc., 1989)

few years later gave birth to the rave parties, techno music and ecstasy ...

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Acrostic Name Generator

andromeda746 @ 2004-04-15T22: 00:00

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What Type Of Hair Does La La Have

Query ... Cat Vs Lamer ... (Before you read the nick nn --.-- .. (I'm causing panic on this

the guy in question before coming to my query did the Fool in channel ... Putting fear (as was supposed to do) to some people in the chan .. I obviously have the game right;))

To everyone who knew my nickname is AdOnAy_6-10

] .20.50.25. [MurderFra by
] .20.50.29. [MurderFra now give you my
] .20.50.51. [AdOnAy_6-10 and after that we do
] : .20.50.56. [AdOnAy_6-10 nn so even print a file
] .20.51.16. [MurderFra aahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahhahaa
] .20.51.35. [MurderFra]: .20.51.36 . [here he MurderFra
] .20.51.38. [MurderFra fun
] .20.51.40. [AdOnAy_6-10 then eh?
] .20.51.45.: [I'm sorry
AdOnAy_6-10] .20.51.46. [AdOnAy_6-10 for you
] .20.51.51. [MurderFra ahahahahahahahahaaa
] .20.51.53. [AdOnAy_6-10 but are unable to use a PC
] .20.52.02. [AdOnAy_6-10 nn is a great hacker like you: °
] .20.52.45. [AdOnAy_6-10 but are you really a hacker?
] .20.52.49. [MurderFra beauty
] .20.52.50. [ MurderFra; country: DE Germany
] .20.52.55. [MurderFra from germany??
] .20.52.57. [MurderFra ahahahhahahahhaa
] .20.53.04. [Certain
AdOnAy_6-10] .20.53.08. [AdOnAy_6-10 I can not stay in germany
] .20.53. 09. [MurderFra ahahhahahahaa
] .20.53.11. [AdOnAy_6-10?
] .20.53.16. [AdOnAy_6-10 Answer me, cmq
] .20.53.18. [AdOnAy_6-10 but are you really a hacker?
] .20.53.36. [MurderFra nn so
] .20.53.38. [MurderFra perhaps
] .20.53.39. [MurderFra perk
] .20.53.59. [AdOnAy_6-10 from the
] .20.54.00.: [AdOnAy_6-10 up on
] .20.54.03. [AdOnAy_6-10 let me see
] .20.54.06. [AdOnAy_6 your potential
-10] .20.54.09. [AdOnAy_6-10 by windozze
] .20.54.13. [AdOnAy_6-10 up to * _ *
] .20.54.19. [MurderFra ahhahahhahahaha
] .20.54.24.: [nn MurderFra do these things I
] : .20.54.25. [MurderFra beauty
] .20.54.33. [AdOnAy_6-10 uFFFF
] .20.54.36. [MurderFra but where are you
] .20.54.38. [MurderFra aversa
] .20.54.42.: [ Ahahaha
AdOnAy_6-10] .20.54.44. [AdOnAy_6-10 will be
] .20.54.47. [AdOnAy_6-10 right there
] .20.54.51. [AdOnAy_6-10 looks
] .20.55.00. [that AdOnAy_6-10 BALLS
] .20.55.03. [AdOnAy_6 me something
-10] .20.55.06. [AdOnAy_6-10 pc destroy me
] .20.55 .07. [AdOnAy_6-10 on
] .20.55.08. [AdOnAy_6-10: ° °
] .20.56.50. [MurderFra beauty
] .20.56.51. [MurderFra careful
] .20.56.54. [MurderFra careful
] .20.57.02. [AdOnAy_6-10 to what??
] .20.57.09.: [Nn MurderFra cause
] .20.57.13. [MurderFra ke you are injured??
] .20.57.23.: [ AdOnAy_6-10 I nn provoked
] .20.57.35.: [Laughs heartily AdOnAy_6-10
] .20.57.43. [Then just MurderFra
] .20.57.51. [AdOnAy_6-10 EVVA
] .20.57.55. [AdOnAy_6-10 you pissed
] .20.57.55. [AdOnAy_6-10: D
] .20.57.59. [AdOnAy_6-10 cheers
] .20.58. 02. [AdOnAy_6-10 from the
] .20.58.12. [but MurderFra ke kazza want
] .20.58.15. [MurderFra Child
] .20.58.19. [AdOnAy_6-10 um yes yes
] .20.58.21. [AdOnAy_6-10 ahaha
] .20.58.31.: [how old are you MurderFra
] .20.58.37. [MurderFra want to learn qualkosa
] .20.58. 40. [MurderFra give me your ip
] .20.58.42.: [ AdOnAy_6-10 nn talk so much and I think even know what things a PC
] .20.58.48. [AdOnAy_6-10 hahaha
] .20.58.50. [MurderFra say??
] .20.58.56. [AdOnAy_6-10 how old are you?
] .20.59.10. [MurderFra
22] .20.59.20. [AdOnAy_6-10 two years older than me
] .20.59.26. [MurderFra ah
] .20.59.26 . [AdOnAy_6-10 and still do this shit in your eyes?
] .20.59.31. [MurderFra shit
] .20.59.34.: [Nn MurderFra I do shit
] .20.59.41. [AdOnAy_6-10 you still juggles lamerotto to do?
] .20.59.52. [AdOnAy_6-10 you make the fool thinking of putting someone in fear
] .21.00.09. [AdOnAy_6-10 could do these things on tin 4 5 years ago ...
] .21.00.13. [AdOnAy_6-10 now, but then blue
] .21.00.22. [AdOnAy_6-10 ... no words just
] .21.00.27. [AdOnAy_6-10 Lamah of shit that still spans
] .21.00.28. [MurderFra ahahahhahaahhaahahhahahaa
] .21.00.32. [then MurderFra
] .21.00.34. [MurderFra beauty
] .21.00.38. : [sn MurderFra there are two differences
] .21.00.41. [MurderFra between hackers and lamers
] .21.00.46. [anke MurderFra and crackers if we
] .21.00.47. [then MurderFra
] .21.00.49. [MurderFra learns to
] .21.00.52. [AdOnAy_6-10 quiet I know that perfectly
] .21.01.09. [MurderFra ah
] .21.01.12. [AdOnAy_6-10 but one that behaves like you is just a useless Lamah
] .21.01.12 . [AdOnAy_6-10: D
] .21.01.17. [MurderFra ke you see culture
] .21.01.18. [MurderFra ahahhaha
] .21.01.19. [MurderFra well
] .21.01.23. [MurderFra then see
] .21.01.24. [tell me MurderFra
] .21.01.29. [AdOnAy_6-10 uses linux?
] .21.01.30.: [What you MurderFra
] .21.01.32. [I MurderFra
] .21.01.38. [MurderFra I have xp and linux
] .21.01.40.: [AdOnAy_6-10 or even windozze
] .21.01.40. [MurderFra but linux
] .21.01.42. [AdOnAy_6
XP-10] .21.01.44. [AdOnAy_6-10 ?!?!?
] .21.01.48. [MurderFra use it on portable
] .21.01.50. [MurderFra to program
] .21.01.54. [AdOnAy_6-10 you dick in the chat and use XP
] .21.02.00. [AdOnAy_6-10 na na na
] .21.02.02. [MurderFra on your home is beautiful
] .21.02.07. [but on the laptop MurderFra
]. 21:02:09. [AdOnAy_6-10 operating system more scrauso think there
nn] .21.02.10.: [I have a bomb MurderFra
] .21.02.14. [MurderFra ahahahhaahahahhahahaha
] .21.02.16 . [MurderFra really??
] .21.02.26. [AdOnAy_6-10 uses mandrake?
] .21.02.41. [But by
AdOnAy_6-10] .21.02.42. [AdOnAy_6 XP-10 uses
] .21.02.48. [AdOnAy_6 slut whore regulated
-10]. 21:02:53. [then MurderFra
] .21.02.53. [AdOnAy_6-10 nn do dick
] .21.02.56. [AdOnAy_6-10 without losing
] .21.02.56.: [ MurderFra beauty
] .21.02.58. [MurderFra you ke kosa
] .21.03.00. [MurderFra do on linux
] .21.03.02. [MurderFra feel?
] .21.03.05. [MurderFra know
program] .21.03.08.: [Linux AdOnAy_6-10 I used to work ...
] .21.03.33. [MurderFra for what
] .21.03.41.: [Sysadmin-10 AdOnAy_6
] .21.04.13.: [ MurderFra and programs?
] .21.05.21. [AdOnAy_6-10's speech "program" is broad
] .21.05.31. [AdOnAy_6-10 is programmable on a sheet with a pencil ..
] .21.05.56. [AdOnAy_6-10 cmq still expect your presence in my pc
] .21.05.57. [AdOnAy_6-10 ahahaha
] .21.06.02. [MurderFra aahhahahhahhhhahahahahhahhahahahha
] : .21.06.06. [MurderFra feel beauty
] .21.06.12. [MurderFra I used the trojan when I was 10 years
] .21.06.23. [MurderFra NetBus I reprogrammed 20 times
] : .21.06.23. [AdOnAy_6-10 then you are strong
] .21.06.24. [AdOnAy_6-10 will be
] .21.06.26. [AdOnAy_6-10 : D
] .21.06.35. [AdOnAy_6-10 are powerful
] .21.06.37. [AdOnAy_6-10 kills
] .21.06.56. [AdOnAy_6-10 by up .... back where you came from, and n as spam Lamah ... ah excuse the SEI
] .21.06.57. [AdOnAy_6-10: D
] .21.07.21. [then MurderFra
] .21.07.26. [MurderFra here
] .21.07.31 . [MurderFra do so
] .21.07.36. [here the MurderFra Youme
ip]: .21.08.19. [AdOnAy_6-10 tell me ..
] .21.08.20. [MurderFra] .21.08.21. [MurderFra ahahhahaha

(I know it's a long thing ... at this point tells me my IP was but nn but the truth .... It was read more ...)

] .21.08.26. [AdOnAy_6-10 see see ..
] .21.08.37. [MurderFra ahahhhahahaa
] .21.08.39. [MurderFra shit
] .21.08.45. [AdOnAy_6-10 this is your] .21.08. 47. [AdOnAy_6-10: D
] .21.08.53. [AdOnAy_6-10 see if my match
] .21.09.20. [MurderFra I gave you the
] .21.09. 21. [MurderFra thanks
] .21.09.30. [AdOnAy_6-10 um aspe aspe
] .21.09.35. [AdOnAy_6-10 nn remember that the command
] .21.09.36.: [ MurderFra know see where he
] .21.09.37. [AdOnAy_6-10 through mirc
] .21.09.38. [MurderFra mado
] .21.09.40. [AdOnAy_6-10 -.-
] .21.09.50. [AdOnAy_6-10 LocalInfo
] .21.09.52. [AdOnAy_6-10 here reminded
] .21.09 .54. [AdOnAy_6-10 then we see
] .21.09.56. [MurderFra ahahahhahahahahahhahhaa
] .21.10.08. [AdOnAy_6-10 is a little WRONG
] .21.10.12. [AdOnAy_6 -10 but just a tad
] .21.10.14. [AdOnAy_6-10 is
] .21.10.15. [AdOnAy_6-10 ehehe
] .21.10.17. [MurderFra ahahahhahahaahaha
]. 21:10:18. [AdOnAy_6-10 fool
] .21.10.21. [MurderFra ahahhahahahhahhahaa
] .21.10.24. [MurderFra tell you is that ke
] .21.10.43. [AdOnAy_6- ok, 10
] .21.10.48. [AdOnAy_6 then attacks that IP-10
] .21.10.50. [See
AdOnAy_6-10] .21.10.52. [AdOnAy_6-10 What do I do
] : .21.10.53. [AdOnAy_6-10 ehehe
] .21.11.02. [AdOnAy_6-10 if you're so convinced that what is my ip
] .21.11.03. [AdOnAy_6-10 FAI PURE
] .21.11.11. [MurderFra ahhahahhaahhaahaa
] .21.11.21. [AdOnAy_6-10 but you just laugh
] .21.11.34. [AdOnAy_6-10 from what I see .. . you are a licensed cojone
] .21.11.35. [MurderFra laugh for your ignorance
] .21.11.37. [MurderFra you
] .21.11.40. [AdOnAy_6-10 say they have found the my ip
] .21.11.40.: [ MurderFra go go ahead
] .21.11.43. [MurderFra ahahahhaa
] .21.11.43. [AdOnAy_6-10 and it is wrong
] .21.11.46. [AdOnAy_6-10 and just think to laugh
] .21.11.51. [MurderFra you
] .21.11.54. [AdOnAy_6-10 from
] .21.11.55. [under-10 AdOnAy_6
] .21.11.56.: [ AdOnAy_6-10 porcodio
] .21.11.59. [AdOnAy_6-10
me the evil] .21.12.00. [MurderFra lashing
] .21.12.01. [MurderFra you
] .21.12. 02. [MurderFra by
] .21.12.03. [AdOnAy_6-10 let me see how you have HACKER
] .21.12.07. [MurderFra I gave you in the mail
ip]: .21.12.09 .: [nn AdOnAy_6-10 but I think its
] .21.12.11.: [Sn hacker MurderFra just
] .21.12.14.: [Lamer
MurderFra nn] .21.12.17. [AdOnAy_6-10 the Lamah leave it to you
]. 21:12:21. [MurderFra say you know the difference
] .21.12.25. [MurderFra ke Mongolian
] .21.12.27. [MurderFra cafonazzo
] .21.12.29. [AdOnAy_6-10 that goes to scare people via chat
] .21.12.37. [AdOnAy_6-10's so unnecessary insults
] .21.13.07. [MurderFra feel
] .21.13.10. [MurderFra by lashing
] .21.13.13.: [I'm waiting MurderFra
] .21.13.51.: [nn AdOnAy_6-10 but I think its
] .21.13.53. [the Lamer
AdOnAy_6-10]. 21:13:54.: [ AdOnAy_6-10's you
] .21.13.55. [AdOnAy_6-10 nn I
] .21.13.57. [AdOnAy_6 Remember
-10] .21.13.58. [AdOnAy_6-10;)
] .21.14.20. [MurderFra ahahha
] .21.14.23. [MurderFra ah excuse
] .21.14.27. [MurderFra you're a jerk
] .21.15.30. [AdOnAy_6 -10 ahahaha
] .21.15.35. [AdOnAy_6-10 the thing that will amuse me
] .21.15.36. [more
AdOnAy_6-10] .21.15.41. [AdOnAy_6-10 will publish this
LOG] .21.15.43. [AdOnAy_6-10 ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.43. [AdOnAy_6-10 ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.46. [which MurderFra log
] .21.15. 47. [MurderFra by
] .21.16.05.: [Oh well MurderFra
] .21.16.07. [MurderFra little boy
] .21.16.07. [AdOnAy_6-10 this cojone -.-
] .21.16.11.: [MurderFra ke say you have 20 years
] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to gobble MurderFra

(the rest are all offended at my mother in the series "] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to MurderFra gobble] .21.16.25. [MurderFra then I expect your mother] .21.16.27.: [cia MurderFra hello "... and so on .... that just touched me sincerely ...

MurderFra is MurderFra@Azzurra-681984CB.pool80117.interbusiness.it * Francesco
MurderFra slipknot.it on # + # # PunkChat punk4free murderdolls.it @ # max # # # monkey's_factory HackerWin + # # Echo-hacker hack4life
MurderFra using nexlab.azzurra.org Nexlab IRC Server, Milan (Italy) has
MurderFra Identified for this nick
MurderFra End of / WHOIS list.

Greetings to all ... ;)

Free Long Travel Sand Car Plans

Query ... Cat Vs Lamer

the guy in question before coming to my query did the Fool in channel ... Putting fear (as was supposed to do) to some people in the chan .. I obviously have the game right;))

] .20.50.25. [ by
] .20.50.29. [ now give you my
] .20.50.51.: [ and after that we do
] .20.50.56. [ nn so even print a file
] .20.51.16. [ aahhahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahhahaa
] .20.51.35. [] .20.51.36. [Here he
] .20.51.38. [ fun
] .20.51.40. [ eh then?
] .20.51.45.: [I'm sorry
] .20.51.46. [ for you
] .20.51.51. [ ahahahahahahahahaaa
] .20.51.53. [But I am unable to use a PC
] .20.52.02.: [nn are a great hacker like you: °
] .20.52.45. [ but you really are a hacker?
] .20.52.49. [ beauty
] .20.52.50. [ ; country: DE Germany
] .20.52.55. [ from germany??
] .20.52.57. [ ahahahhahahahhaa
] .20.53.04. [Certain
] .20.53.08. [ I can not stay in germany
] .20.53.09. [ ahahhahahahaa
] .20.53.11. [?
] .20.53.16. [ cmq Answer me
] .20.53.18. [ but you really are a hacker?
] .20.53.36. [ nn so
] .20.53.38. [ perhaps
] .20.53.39. [ perk
] .20.53.59. [By the
] .20.54.00. [ up on
] .20.54.03. [ show me
] .20.54.06. [ your potential
] .20.54.09.: [ by windozze
] .20.54.13. [ up to * _ *
] .20.54.19. [ ahhahahhahahaha
] .20.54.24.: [nn
I do these things]. 20:54:25. [ beauty
] .20.54.33. [ uFFFF
] .20.54.36. [ but where are you
] .20.54.38. [ aversa
] .20.54.42. [ ahahaha
] .20.54.44. [it is
] .20.54.47. [ right there
] .20.54.51. [ looks
] : .20.55.00. [that BALLS
] .20.55.03. [ me something
] .20.55.06. [ destroy me pc
] .20.55.07. [ on
] .20.55.08. [: ° °
] .20.56.50. [ beauty
] .20.56.51. [ careful
] .20.56.54. [ careful
] .20.57.02. [ to what??
] .20.57.09.: [Nn cause
] .20.57.13. [ ke you are injured??
] .20.57.23. [I nn provoked
] .20.57.35. [* AdOnAy_6-10
laughs heartily] .20.57.43. [Then just
] .20.57. 51. [ EVVA
] .20.57.55. [ you pissed
] .20.57.55. [: D
] .20.57.59. [ cheers
] .20.58 .02. [by by
] .20.58.12. [but ke kazza want
] .20.58.15. [ Child
] .20.58.19. [ uhm yes yes
] .20.58.21. : [ahaha
] .20.58.31.: [how old are you
] .20.58.37. [ want to learn qualkosa
] .20.58.40. [
give me your ip]: .20.58.42. [ talk so much and I think nn even know that a PC cosìè
] .20.58.48. [ hahaha
] .20.58.50. [ say??
] .20.58.56. [ How old are you?
] .20.59.10. [
22] .20.59.20. [ two years older than me
] .20.59.26.: [ ah
] .20.59.26. [ and still do this shit in your eyes?
] .20.59.31. [ shit
] .20.59.34.: [Nn I do shit
] .20.59.41. [ you still juggles lamerotto to do?
] .20.59.52. [ you make the fool thinking of putting someone in fear
] .21.00.09. [ these things you could do on the tin 4 5 years ago ...
] .21.00.13. [But now then blue
] .21.00.22. [ own words ... without
] .21.00.27. [That spans Lamah still shit
] .21.00.28. [ ahahahhahaahhaahahhahahaa
] .21.00.32. [ then
] .21.00.34. [ beauty
] .21.00.38.: [sn there are two differences
] .21.00.41. [ between hackers and lamers
] .21.00.46 . [anke and crackers if we
] .21.00.47. [then
] .21.00.49. [ learns to
] .21.00.52. [ comfortable to know that perfection
] .21.01.09. [ ah
] .21.01.12. [ but one that behaves like you is just a useless Lamah
] .21.01.12. [: D
] .21.01.17. [ ke you see culture
] .21.01.18. [ ahahhaha
] .21.01.19. [ well
] .21.01.23.: [ then see
] .21.01.24. [Tell me
] .21.01.29. [ use linux?
] .21.01.30.: [What you
] .21.01.32. [I
] .21.01.38. [ I have xp and linux
] .21.01.40.: [ or even windozze
] .21.01.40. [but
linux] .21.01.42. [ XP
] .21.01.44. [ ?!?!?
] .21.01.48. [ use it on portable
] .21.01.50. [ to program
] .21.01.54. [ you dick in the chat and use XP
] .21.02.00. [ na na na
] .21.02.02. [ on your home is beautiful
] .21.02.07. [But on the laptop
] .21.02.09. [ operating system more scrauso think there
nn] .21.02.10.: [I have a bomb
]. 21:02:14. [ ahahahhaahahahhahahaha
] .21.02.16. [ really??
] .21.02.26. [ use Mandrake?
] .21.02.41. [But by
] .21.02.42. [ uses XP
] .21.02.48. [ slut whore regulated
] .21.02.53.: [ then
] .21.02.53.: [nn do dick
] .21.02.56. [ forget
] .21.02.56. [ beauty
] .21.02.58. [ you ke kosa
] .21.03.00. [ do on linux
] .21.03.02. [ feel?
] .21.03.05. [ know
program] .21.03.08.: [Linux I used to work ...
] .21.03.33. [ for what
] .21.03.41.: [Sysadmin
] .21.04.13. [ and programs?
] .21.05.21. [ discorzo of the "plan" is broad
] .21.05.31. [ is programmable on a sheet with a pencil ..
] .21.05.56. [ cmq still expect your presence in my pc
] .21.05.57. [ ahahaha
] .21.06.02. [ aahhahahhahhhhahahahahhahhahahahha
] .21.06.06. [ feel beauty
] .21.06.12. [ I used the trojan when I was 10 years
] .21.06.23. [ NetBus I reprogrammed 20 times
] .21.06.23. [ then you are strong
] .21.06.24. [it is
] .21.06.26. [: D
] .21.06.35. [ six powerful
] .21.06.37. [ kills
] .21.06.56. [ by up .... back where you came from, and n as spam Lamah ... ah excuse the SEI
] .21.06.57. [: D
] .21.07.21. [then
] .21.07.26. [ here
] .21.07.31.: [ do so
] .21.07.36.: [ Here is the ip Youme
] .21.08.19. [ tell me ..
] .21.08.20. [] .21.08.21. [ ahahhahaha

(I know it's a long thing ... at this point tells me my IP was but nn but the truth was ... Continue ....

] .21.08.26. [ see see ..
] .21.08.37. [ ahahhhahahaa
] .21.08.39. [ shit
] .21.08.45. [This is your] .21.08.47. [: D
] .21.08.53. [ see if my match
] .21.09.20. [ I gave you the
] .21.09.21.: [ thanks
] .21.09.30. [ uhm aspe aspe
] .21.09.35. [ nn remember that the command
] .21.09.36. [ know see where he
] .21.09.37. [ through mirc
] .21.09.38. [ mado
] .21.09.40. [ -.-
] .21.09.50. [ LocalInfo
] : .21.09.52. [ recalled here
] .21.09.54. [ then see
] .21.09.56. [ ahahahhahahahahahhahhaa
] .21.10.08. [ is a little WRONG
] .21.10.12. [ but just a tad
] .21.10.14. [is
] .21.10.15.: [ Ehehe
] .21.10.17. [ ahahahhahahaahaha
] .21.10.18. [ fool
] .21.10.21. [ ahahhahahahhahhahaa
] .21.10.24. [You ke is to say
] .21.10.43. [ok,
] .21.10.48. [ then attacks that IP
] .21.10.50. [see
] .21.10. 52.: [What do I do
] .21.10.53. [ ehehe
] .21.11.02. [ if you're so convinced that what is my ip
] .21.11.03 . [ FAI PURE
] .21.11.11. [ ahhahahhaahhaahaa
] .21.11.21. [ but you just laugh
] .21.11.34.: [ by what I see ... you are a licensed cojone
] .21.11.35. [ laugh for your ignorance
] .21.11.37. [ you
] .21.11.40. [ say you found my ip
] .21.11.40. [ go go ahead
] .21.11.43. [ ahahahhaa
] .21.11.43. [and it is wrong
] .21.11.46.: [ just laugh and think
] .21.11.51. [ you
] .21.11.54. [ by
] .21.11.55. [ force
] .21.11.56. [ porcodio
] .21.11.59. [ hurt me
] .21.12.00. [ lashing
] .21.12.01. [ You
] .21.12.02. [ by
] .21.12.03. [ show me how you have HACKER
] .21.12.07. [ I gave you the ip to post
] : .21.12.09.: [nn but I think its
] .21.12.11.: [sn hacker just
] .21.12.14.: [lamer
nn] .21.12.17.: [ the Lamah I leave it to you
] .21.12.21. [ say you know the difference
] .21.12.25. [ ke Mongolian
] .21.12.27. [ cafonazzo
] .21.12.29. [ that goes to scare people via chat
] .21.12.37. [ insults so useless
] .21.13.07. [ feel
] .21.13.10. [ lashing from
] .21.13.13.: [I'm waiting
] .21.13.51.: [Nn but I think its
] .21.13.53.: [ the Lamer
] .21.13.54. [are you
] .21.13.55. [I
nn] .21.13.57. [ Remember
] .21.13.58. [;)
] .21.14.20. [ ahahha
] .21.14.23. [ ah excuse
] .21.14.27. [ you're a jerk
] .21.15 .30. [ ahahaha
] .21.15.35. [ the thing that will amuse me
] .21.15.36. [more
] .21.15.41. [ will publish This
LOG] .21.15.43. [ ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.43. [ ahahahhaahhahaa
] .21.15.46. [which log
] .21.15.47. [ by
] .21.16.05.: [oh well
] .21.16.07. [ little boy
] .21.16.07. [ this cojone -.-
] .21.16.11.: [ ke say you have 20 years
] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to gobble

(the rest are all offended at my mother in the series "] .21.16.16.: [I'm going to gobble] .21.16.25. [ then I expect your mother] .21.16.27.: [cia hello "... and so on .... that just touched me sincerely ...

MurderFra is MurderFra@Azzurra-681984CB.pool80117.interbusiness.it * Francesco
MurderFra slipknot.it on # + # # PunkChat punk4free murderdolls.it @ # # # monkey's_factory HackerWin max # + # # echo-hacker hack4life
MurderFra using nexlab.azzurra.org Nexlab IRC Server, Milan (Italy) has
MurderFra Identified for this nick
MurderFra End of / WHOIS list.

Greetings to all ... ;)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Quotes Or Slogans About Tanning



Monday, April 12, 2004

Cramping With The Removal Of A Cervical Polyp



No one could see what it was before .....

Cervical Lordosisarthritis


Sunday, April 4, 2004

Bahrain Sport Frequemcy

Acid Cinderella! = ^ ___^=

Today in Cinderella Mode-ON-... I am cleaning room and Pc
system cd system file system Hand-books-papers-papers-several
clean clean there are here ... Long live Cinderella! FATINAAAAAAAAA SEIIII WHERE??

Greetings to all ..

"Beware of all those in whom the impulse to punish is strong." A day of truly